Sunday 7 August 2005

PC is contemptible

Oooh look, I'm contemptible.

[UPDATE: Not just comtemptible, I'm a "smug Objectivist twat." Little old me! I'm shocked -- shocked I tell you.]


Rick said...

What my alma mater failed to do in his lectures at Canterbury was to use that very important and indispensable tool...

At all university lecture theaters, have your walkman ready and know when to use it.

Professor Macdonald up at the black board, for example, makes a great music vidio for Pink Floyd and for Metallica too.

Anonymous said...

Stop trying to start blog wars to increase your stature in the who-gives-a-fuck-ecosystem.

Link whore ;-0

Deadman said...

Man, I have tried and tried, and I have yet to be called "contemptible"! Good show!