Monday 22 June 2009

“High standards”! Who’re you kidding, Rodney.

Making “off colour remarks” to women!  Crikey, who would do that? 

And what sort of woman would be so easily offended? When did working women become so precious?  Such shrinking violets?  Sure ACT’s David Garrett is an odious prick, but why not just tell him that to his face instead of running off to nanny like a tell-tale tit.

And this idea that MPs are “held to a high standard”?  Who the hell is Rodney kidding?  MPs are held in even lower esteem than lawyers.  Any lower and they’d be able to crawl under a snake.

This is obviously just a story for a slow news day about an MP who has a brain function to match.  Nothing to see; nothing really to talk about.  Move along.

UPDATE: Cactus Kate reckons “Garrett is a tad mental, however he is ACT's quota for the mentally infirm.”


Craig Ranapia said...

Whatever happened to the ancient tradition of unleashing your best backhand on the impertinent monkey -- especially if you're the kind of woman who wears lots of chunky rings?

James said...

Davids a good guy and quite Libertarian.......don't buy the lefts bullshit attack smears about him.....