Monday 10 May 2010

“There is no room for separatism in New Zealand” [updated]

I read that John Key told concerned National Party members over the weekend

    “it is important for us to reaffirm to our membership ... what we're doing and what our core fundamental beliefs are."

Being naturally curious to know what those fundamental beliefs might be, I read on, discovering that the only principle on offer to be the blunt statement: “there is no room for separatism in New Zealand.”

My what a brown nose you haveReflect on that for a moment.  The New Zealand Prime Minister has just announced that one of his party’s fundamental beliefs is there is no room for separatism in New Zealand, while presiding over a government that is propped up by a race-based party who sits on race-based seats—a government that administers a Maori Affairs department; a taxpayer-funded Maori television station; sundry taxpayer-funded Maori radio stations; a “whanau-based” welfare system; “TeachNZ” scholarships for Maori students; Maori quotas in the civil service; Maori quotas in education and training; compulsory Treaty studies in schools; veto power over private developments vested in iwi planning authorities; the bogus concepts of “kaitiakitanga,” “mauri,” and “Treaty Principles” contaminating NZ’s laws; millions of dollars given to Maori “community organisations” for things they don’t do; hundreds of millions of dollars given to tribalists for things we didn’t do; and the official abandonment of “one law for all.”

Nope.  No separatism here at all.

Irony is too small a word to use to describe this gap between what was said by National’s leader and what is being done in his name.

Face it, readers, there is only one fundamental belief of the National Party: staying in power. And the number-one fact in evidence over the last eighteen months is this: is they have no idea what they’re in power for.  Which means they’re easy prey to anyone who actually does have principles, however bad.

UPDATE: Just in case you’ve forgotten, it was National’s Doug Graham who, when he was Minister in Charge of Treaty Capitulations,  told New Zealanders: “The sooner we realise there are laws for one and laws for another, the better."

Nope.  No room for separatism in the National Party at all.


MichelleR said...

Mr Iti on that photo looks like he wanted to give John Key his tongue as a symbol of unity with the Maori party. Yuk!

Anonymous said...

More tongue action for John! Also John swallows, not only dead rats, he swallows anything, all of it, sucks it down, all

Hayden said...

Anon, are you indirectly hinting in your message that John Key has also been tonguing Mr. Sharple as well? FFS, our Prime Minister is going to tongue anyone & everyone who will support or give him votes to stay in power. Pathetic!!!

Anonymous said...

Politics is all about Power, nothing else matters. I have known this for many years and when I cast my votes for this mob I knew it as well.
What I did not expect was the degree to which they would sell NZ to the racists in order to exercise and retain Power.
Sadly there is no alternative to these creatures and thus I see a very gloomy future for NZ and those that are not aligned with the Chosen.

EuroLoser said...

I think what Key means is that there is no room for any method of governing that does not put "maori interests" above or equal to any other interests.
If you think otherwise then you are a separatist wanting a different system for non-maori.

The whole thing has been over for a while now, this is the endgame.
If you doubt this then just go to any govt. website and look at what they say about maori. While there check out the staff and their quallies. ERMA is a good place to start.
You will find maori cultural values can be used as a basis to prevent medicine from being used.
Or just consider what is being taught in schools now.

Luke H said...

Sadly there is no alternative to these creatures

I beg to differ.

"It's enough to make you vote Libertarianz!"

Dave Mann said...

The dangerous thing about having a racist separatist totalitarian regime like these National Socialists in power is that, once the coastline is given to the Maoris and once the process of dismembering the country has started there will be literally no going back. We have already seen this with the wildly accelerating and ever more preposterous treaty claims... The only logical conclusion seems to be either abject capitulation or a gradual decline into anarchy and civil war and New Zealand's slipping into being yet another Pacific failed state. I don't think we have quite got to the tipping point yet - but unless sane people act and make their voices heard pretty soon this country will be well and truly fucked. I give it about 12 months.

K said...

The government are also feeding the mythmakers in government departments who have nothing better to do than write more vitriolic lies about what their white ancestors did to their brown ancestors and why we should feel eternally sorry for it all.

Part of this mind bending going on is the creation of the term "People of the Land" tangtawhenua - the implication being the rest of us are not of this land or foreigners. When I hear someone call themselves tanagtawhena my response is to want to tell them that they can F off.

Sorry I have gone a bit off track - hope its okay but I believe if many saw some of the stuff I have had to read, written by a small team who keep regurgitating the same stuff in different publications by a snake oil salesman such as M Durie (who has apparently just received a knighthood) you may think me either restrained or in need of restraints.

Anonymous said...

"It's enough to make you vote Libertarianz!"

Freedom has never, ever come via the ballot box.

Only the armalite, semtex, and most of all the blood of martyrs.

The Ballot only allows us to chose between indistinguishable masters.

The only logical conclusion seems to be either abject capitulation or a gradual decline into anarchy and civil war and New Zealand's slipping into being yet another Pacific failed state

NZ is already a Pacific failed state - or can't you read the national accounts?

We can hope for a rapid decline into anarchy - because anarchy is a necessary precondition if NZ is ever to become free.

uwho said...


I am curious.

Why is anarchy "a necessary pre-condition" for NZ to become free?

Surely a pre-condition for freedom is the rule of law which entails an absence of coercion or the threat of coercion.

Anarchy hardly provides a framework for peaceful co-existence.

Peter Cresswell said...

@Uwho: FYI, our anonymous troll (who posts here either anonymously or under the name of Sinner) has no interest in either freedom or peaceful co-existence, and he usually finds his blood-thirsty messages deleted.

LGM said...


He writes, "Freedom has never, ever come via the ballot box." Is that statement correct? Does he have a point?


LGM said...


"Surely a pre-condition for freedom is the rule of law which entails an absence of coercion or the threat of coercion."

Does it? Or is "rule of law" another ephemism for coercion or the threat thereof?