Friday 11 June 2010

Beehive bludgers

Wasn’t last night’s news hour-and-half delicious.  Just for once, instead of watching the usual footage lauding your politicians as demi-gods, it was possible to sit back and bask as both news teams went to town and put their talents to use picking apart the venal bastards who pick your pocket for their own peccadilloes.  Instead of lauding the Beehive bludgers for their ability to perform miracles, as they usually do, Campbell and Sainsbury and the main news reports before them took apart the Ministerial heavy spenders and their hefty case of entitle-itis.

"It's the sort of thing that can undermine confidence in politicians," said your Prime Minister.  No, John, it’s the sort of thing that can allow us all to see the scum for what they are: sordid little power-lusters. 

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